Thursday, January 12, 2012

How To Cut Down On Your Grocery Bill

If you're wondering how you can lower your grocery bill, here's how.

1. Make a list of things you NEED.  (Notice I stressed 'need' in the making of your grocery list.  If you are spending money on junk food, and items that you do not need, you are not achieving your greatest savings.)

2. Make a plan!  (Plan out your shopping trip.  Sit down and look at the ad, plan as many meals as you can around what is on sale and what you have coupons for.  Then you need to do the match-ups, which will get into in a bit.  Another big part of the plan is to decide when to shop.  I recommend shopping not too long after you have eaten a light meal or a snack.  If you go hungry, you will not stick to the plan.  If you go over stuffed, you will not buy everything you need, you will talk yourself out of getting some things you may really need later on.  Also, try to go during a time when the store will be less crowded so that you can avoid the stress and focus on the task at hand.)

3. Match-ups and Coupon Stacking!  (During the planning process, you need to sit down with your ad and do some match-ups.  Which sale items do you have coupons for?  You should also see if you can do any coupon stacking.  Coupon stacking is the method of combining store coupons with manufacturer's coupons.  Stacking results in the biggest savings!)

4.  Go shopping & stick to the plan!  (You've done your homework, so show us what you can do!  Avoid those in-store temptations, and I promise you will see results.)

Try this out, and let me know how much you saved!  If you have any questions, I'm here to help!  Good Luck!

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